Intervention based on the training in improving the quality of microbiology diagnosis in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences hospital

Atieh Yaghoubi ℗,  Mahbubeh Jangi, Zahra Meshkat, Saeed Ashkanifar ©

Intervention based on the training in improving the quality of microbiology diagnosis in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences hospital

کد: G-1012

نویسندگان: Atieh Yaghoubi ℗,  Mahbubeh Jangi, Zahra Meshkat, Saeed Ashkanifar ©

زمان بندی: زمان بندی نشده!


دانلود: دانلود پوستر

خلاصه مقاله:

خلاصه مقاله

As we know microbiology department of medical labs has a key role in the detection and reporting the antimicrobial resistance, and in discovering and controlling new pathogens (e.g. COVID-19) and infectious diseases. Thus staff of the clinical microbiology labs needs to be a lifelong learner. Since all the processes of the microbiology department of a medical diagnostic laboratory are manual the accuracy of results is very dependent on the expertise and precision of the expert there is a need for special attention in the field of quality control. The present study for the first time, aimed to assess the effectiveness of the intervention based on the training of the microbiology staff in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences hospital labs, which was evaluated to improve the quality of the services of this department. This study included three main steps (1) Pre-analytic intervention, (A- revising the sampling and sample transferring errors; B- communication with hospital infection control officials regarding pre-analytic errors), (2) Analytic intervention, (A- review the previous reports of hospital condition assessment, B- organizational training courses face to face, webinars, and social media based on staff needs), and (3) Post-analytic intervention. Comparing the results of pre-and post-intervention indicated that training-based intervention significantly reduces non-compliance, and improves the implementation level of the quality assurance program and subsequently the services provided. Since test results play a key role in diagnosis, treatment, and infection control, the existence of a quality control mechanism is very important, and antimicrobial resistance and contaminations (e.g. blood culture contaminations) reports can be reliable, if there are no laboratory errors in the process of the test and the presented result is the patient's condition.

کلمات کلیدی

microbiology, antimicrobial resistance, infection control


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